Members Highlights 2017

27 Jan 2017

National Co-operative Confederation of Rwanda (NCCR)

Under engagement, NCCR in partnership with Land’O Lakes organized for a meeting with different partners , the meeting  resulted into formation of a “Cooperative Learning Platform “(CLP) with the aim of getting together different Stakeholders and updating them on the sector developments and National Orientation of the Cooperative movement.

Hon. Francois Kanimba; Minister for Trade and Industry in Rwanda was the Guest of Honor accompanied by Mr. Munanura Apollo  Director General of Rwanda Co-operative Agency, Chairman of NCCR Mr. KATABARWA Augustin with the host NYIRIGIRA Willy, the Coordinator Land’O Lakes.

In June 2017, Rwanda held International Day of Co-operatives celebrations in the Northern Province of Rwanda led by Hon. François Kanimba. The event saw a number of cooperatives countrywide in attendance with some scooping awards from various categories with NCCR getting the award of Good Service Delivery to its members.  


NCCR want a head and partnered with Sustainable Harvest Rwanda and organized for “Let’s talk coffee” program in Kigali. The event brought coffee farmers cooperatives and producers, exporters, importers, buyers and government leaders to discuss challenges, and opportunities facing the coffee industry.  The experts shared their experiences and discussed about the various factors that affect quality and how to improve quality and value.


We also have a MoU with AMIR (Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda), to help us establish Rwanda Institute of Cooperatives Entrepreneurship and Microfinance (RICEM)


AWACH Saving and Credit Cooperative Society Ltd

Awach held representative council meeting two times in August and October 2017 to discuss on Leverage ratio and to substitute board members.