ICA-Africa Members


ICA-Africa has a total membership of 40 member organizations spread out in 20 countries in the region and 1 supranational member representing multiple countries in Africa region. Find the ICA-Africa Membership map


                                                             Full Members

Country No. Organization Name  
Botswana 1 Botswana Cooperative Association BOCA  
Cameroon 2 Alliance Cooperatives Cameroon COOP-CAMEROON  
  3 North West Cooperative Association Ltd NWCA LTD  
Cote D’Ivoire 4 Fédération des Unions des Sociétés Coopératives des Producteurs de la Filiére Coton de Cote D'Ivoie FPC-CI Coop CA  
5 Federation Nationale Des Societe Cooperative D'Hevea De Cote D'ivoire FENASCOOPH-CL  
6 Federation National des Unions Regionales des Societes Cooperatives des Producteurs de la Filiere Anacarde (FNURSCPFA)   FNURSCPFA  
DR Congo 6 Cooperative d'Epargne ET Credit de Nyawera COOPEC Nyawera  
  7 Cooperative Centrale d'epargne et de Credit du Kivu COOCEC-KIVU  
Ethiopia 8 Awach Savings and Credit Cooperative ASCCo  
  9 Cooperative Bank of Oromia Coopbank  
  10 Oromia Coffee Farmers Co-operative Union Ltd.  OCFCU  
Egypt 11 Central Housing Cooperative Union CHCU  
Eswatini 12 Eswatini Multipurpose Cooperative Union (ESWAMCU)  ESWAMCU  
13 National Cooperatives Federation of Eswatini  NCFE  
Ghana 13 Ghana Cooperative Agricultural Producers and Marketing Association (AGRIC COOP GHANA) AGRIC COOP  
  14 Ghana Co-operative Council GCC  
Guinea 15 Federation des Cooperatives d’approvissionnement et d’alimentation generale FECAAG  
Kenya 16 Cooperative Alliance of Kenya CAK  
  18 Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd. CBK  
  19 Kenya Cooperative Coffee Exporters Ltd.  KCCE  
  20 Kenya Union of Savings & Credit Co-operative Ltd. KUSCCO  
  22 The Co-operative Insurance Company of Kenya Ltd. CIC  
Rwanda 23 National Cooperatives Confederation of Rwanda  NCCR  
Mauritius 24 Mauritius Co-operative Alliance Limited MCAL  
Nigeria 25 Cooperative Federation of Nigeria CFN  
  26 Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Cooperative Multipurpose Society Ltd. NNPC-CMS  
  27 Odua Cooperative Conglomerate OCC  
S. Africa 28 South Africa National Apex Co-op SANACO  
Somalia 29 Somali Union Cooperative movement UDHIS  
Tanzania 30 Tanzania Federation of Co-operatives Ltd. TFC  
Uganda 31 Uganda Co-operative Alliance UCA  
Zimbabwe 32 Zimbabwe National Association of Housing Co-operatives ZINAHCO  
    Associate Members    
Egypt 33 The General Authority for Construction and Housing Cooperatives CHC  
Kenya 34 Cooperative University of Kenya CUK  
Morocco 35 Office du Développement de la Coopération ODCO  
Mozambique 36 Associacao Mocambicana de Promoco do Cooperativismo Modermo AMPCM  
Nigeria 37 Federal Department of Cooperatives FDC  
Namibia 38 Namibia Cooperative Advisory Board NCAB  
Tanzania 39 Moshi Co-operative University MOCU  
Uganda 40 HealthPartners Uganda HPU  
    Admitted Members but not activated their Membership accounts    
Eswatini 41 Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade    
Ghana 42 FAKA Cooperative Network Ghana FAKA Coop  
Guinea 43 Union des Cooperatives Guineennes pour le Developpement Duruable    
Mauritius 44 Jhurry RYA (JR school) CO. Ltd. JR SCHOOL  
Sierra Leone 45 Department of Co-operatives DOC  
    Pending Membership application    
Guinea 46 Federation Nationale des cooperatives de Transport et Mecanique    
Morocco 47 Le éseau Marocain de I’Economie Sociale et Solidaire REMESS  
South Africa 48 IBuso    
Tunisia 49 Medenine fishing cooperative