Mozambican Association for the Promotion of Modern Cooperativism (AMPCM)
The Mozambican Association for the Promotion of Modern Cooperativism (AMPCM) within the scope of its lobbying and promotion of cooperativism activities with government authorities and institutions has received requests for presentation on modern cooperativism.
In fact, after several training sessions that AMPCM gave last year (2019) to various public institutions, involving leaders and technicians at various levels, AMPCM proposed to the Prime Minister's Office a presentation with the theme: “Modern Cooperativism as an Alternative viable and sustainable for the production and redistribution of wealth ”.
Meanwhile, AMPCM's request to the Prime Minister's Office, received a favorable order from the Prime Minister and then a letter was sent to the portfolio that oversees the area of industry and commerce to intercede in the opening of the space for AMPCM to guide the referred presentation to the Council of Ministers, in the first sessions of the year 2020 underway.
AMPCM takes cooperativism to the Government
This achievement will mark a historic leap for AMPCM, which will have the privilege of letting members of the Government pass on the message of modern cooperativism, forced on the economic and social advantages of modern cooperativism.
The presentation of the theme: “Modern Cooperativism as a viable and sustainable Alternative for the production and redistribution of wealth”, with the Government aims to show the economic, social and cultural advantages of cooperativism and how this model can solve and help to achieve efficiently and effectiveness the government's objectives emanating from the various instruments, among them, the Five-Year Government Program (PQG) 2020/2024, Economic and Social Program (PES), United Nations Agenda 2030, formalization of the economy, diversification of revenue sources, broadening of the tax base, reduction of inequalities and conflicts, specialization of productive sectors, as well as inclusion and participation in the production process. Watch the video.