Newly Elected ICA-Africa President Visits the ICA-Africa Offices in Nairobi.

On 11th November 2021, the newly elected ICA-Africa President High Chief Oriyomi Ayeola paid a courtesy visit to the ICA-Africa regional office in Nairobi – Kenya. This was his first time visit to the regional office since he was elected as president in October 2021.
On his first day of the visit, the President held a meeting with the ICA-Africa staff members to discuss a number of exciting developments among them the next Africa cooperative development strategy, members service and generally the promotion of the cooperative business model in the Africa region. This was echoed by the Regional Director Dr. Chiyoge Sifa on the commitment of the staff members in working with the new leadership for the next four years and beyond for the betterment of cooperative growth and touching lives from different parts of the continent.
The president then chaired his first meeting during the 39th ICA-Africa regional board meeting that took place at the regional offices on the 12th November. Prior to this board meeting, the regional board members were taken through a board induction training that saw all the board members participating both physically and online. The other board members that were physically present in this meeting included; the Vice-President Mr. George Magutu from the Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (KUSCCO); Women Representative, Ms. Hilda Ojall from the Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (KUSCCO); Mr. Gereger Mesfin Gebreslassie from AWACH Savings and Credit Cooperative and Mr. Obateng Thapelo from the Botswana Cooperative Association who are members at large. Mr. Nyemb Jean Christian from Alliance Cooperatives Cameroon who is also a member at large joined the meeting virtually.

Later on, the president accompanied by the regional board members jointed other cooperative leaders in Kenya from (Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (KUSCCO), Cooperative Alliance of Kenya (CAK), The Cooperative University of Kenya (CUK), Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) and State Department of Cooperatives) for a luncheon at Fairview hotel to bid Mr. Japheth Magomere, OGW farewell before proceeding to the Kenya Union of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (KUSCCO) for a courtesy call by Mr. George Magutu, Chairman of KUSCCO.